


Shopify Meetup Tokyo #6

Locari, kurashiru, Yotpo, Commerce Media and Flagship LLC sit together and discuss about the latest Shopify updates and share some insights from their experience with Shopify and Shopify Plus.

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Shopify Meetup Tokyo: "Can I use Shopify in Japan?"

Shopify Experts ARCHETYP Inc. and Flagship LCC share their knowledge about Shopify in Japan.

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Shopify Expertsの株式会社アーキタイプとフラッグシップ合同会社の共催イベント。Shopifyの全てをお伝えします。

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Shopify Meetup Tokyo #4

Shopify Plus Partners Gavin Ballard from Disco and Cal and Kelly from The Working Party share their insights and best practices from Australia.

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Shopify Meetup Tokyo #4を開催

オーストラリアからShopify Plus PartnersのGavinさん(Disco社)、CalさんとKellyさん(The Working Party社)がShopifyのベストプラクティスとインサイトを共有します。

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Shopify Meetup Tokyo #3

The first Meetup held in English in Tokyo, focused on how to prepare and leverage holiday sales.

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Shopify Meetup Tokyo#3を開催


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Shopify Meetup Tokyo#2を開催

Shopifyの国内利用について、Impact HUB Tokyoで議論しました。

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